Hybrid/Virtual Conference Components

Abstract-based sessions

Paper sessions, symposia, workshops, and roundtables: As long as there is at least one presenter/speaker presenting in Phoenix, AZ, the presenter/speaker in Phoenix may set up their own Zoom or equivalent meeting and give access to virtual presenters/speakers.  SSWR will provide enhanced WIFI to accommodate virtual presentations.  AV technicians will be available, as needed, to assist in connections. Please note this option does not provide virtual audience participation. All presenters/speakers, in person or virtual are required to pay the in person registration rate.  Registration fees provide the funds for conference meeting space, AV technicians, WIFI, etc. to make virtual presentations possible.


There will be a limited number (first come first serve) of hybrid/virtual poster presentation slots in the virtual e-poster gallery. Instructions on how to submit your e-poster file will be posted on the SSWR website at the time you receive your presentation schedule notification.

Special Interest Groups

As long as there is at least one convenor presenting in Phoenix, AZ, the presenter/speaker in Phoenix may set up their own Zoom or equivalent meeting and give access to virtual conveners  SSWR will provide enhanced WIFI to accommodate virtual presentations.  AV technicians will be available, as needed, to assist in connections. Please note this option does not provide virtual audience participation.

Live Stream Invited Sessions

You must be a registered in-person and/or live-stream only participant to have access to the following sessions at SSWR 2023. As a registrant, you will receive an email with access January 11, 2023.

Thursday – January 12, 2023

  • 12:30 PM-1:30 PM, Current Events Special Session (presented in person and live streamed)
  • 5:00 PM-6:30 PM, Opening Plenary (presented in person and live streamed)

Friday – January 13, 2023

  • 8:00 AM-9:30 AM, Invited Symposium I (presented in person and live streamed)
  • 11:30 AM-12:30 PM, Aaron Rosen Lecture (presented in person and live streamed)
  • 3:45 PM-5:15 PM, Brief and Brilliant Session (presented in person and live streamed)

Saturday – January 14, 2023

  • 8:00 AM-9:30 AM, Invited Symposium II (presented in person and live streamed)
  • 11:30 AM-12:30 PM, Annual Social Policy Forum (presented in person and live streamed)
  • 12:30 PM-1:45 PM, Student Session and Luncheon (presented in person and live streamed)
  • 2:00 PM-2:30 PM, Fellows and Awards Presentations (presented in person and live streamed)
  • 2:45 PM-3:45 PM, Presidential Plenary (presented in person and live streamed)
  • 4:00 PM-5:30 PM, Invited Symposium III (presented in person and live streamed)
  • 5:45 PM-6:15 PM, Membership Business Meeting (presented in person and live streamed)
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