The Society for Social Work and Research is grateful to the following schools and organizations for their generous support of the Society and the SSWR 2024 Annual Conference.
Platinum Level Sponsorship – $20,000
Gold Sponsors – $10,000
Guest Room Cards, Sole Sponsor
Social Policy Forum, Sole Sponsor
Student Session and Luncheon, Sole Sponsor
Silver Sponsors – $5,000
Invited Symposium II, Sole Sponsor
Thursday Opening Reception, Sole Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor – $3,500
Meet the Scientist Luncheon, Sole Sponsor
Friends of SSWR Sponsor, $2,500
Brief and Brilliant Session, Sole Sponsor
Coffee Break, Co-Sponsors
Supporters of SSWR Sponsor, $2,000
Special Sessions on Research Priorities and Capacity Building (SSRPCB-1): Funding Opportunities for Community-Engaged and Anti-Racist, Sole Sponsor
RCDC Wings Session: Ethical Dimensions of AI Integration in Social Work: Transformative Opportunities and Complex Challenges, Sole Sponsor