Call for Abstract Submissions

9/20/2023: Abstract status notifications have been sent to all presenters and speakers. Please check your inboxes including your spam folders. If you did not receive your notice, please email A. DeeJay Hastings, CAE, program director,

“Recentering & Democratizing Knowledge: The Next 30 Years of Social Work Science”

March 6, 2023: Abstract Submission Site Now Open!

Abstract Submission Deadline: Saturday, April 15, 2023, 11:59pm, Pacific Time


The Conference Planning Committee of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) welcomes submissions for presentations within all content areas of social work, social welfare services, and social policy.

The theme for the 2024 conference is “Recentering & Democratizing Knowledge: The Next 30 Years of Social Work Science.” The academy has historically cast ownership over the research process and the scientific method. It preferences knowledge creation and dissemination methods that reify its power. Yet social work science values the decolonization of knowledge where the research process is collaborative, and the findings rooted in the very community contexts we study. The next generation of social work science centers communities in the knowledge creation process and values a plurality of dissemination techniques that empowers communities. As SSWR celebrates 30 years, we challenge social work scholars (scientists) to think critically about how their scholarship advances decolonization and anti-oppression within their communities of practice.

The objectives of the conference are to:

  • Recognize policy and program impacts of social work research at the local, state, national, and international levels by social work scholars;
  • Advance social work as a discipline by reviewing the collective impact and potential for social work science; and
  • Center racial equity and social justice in social work research, policy, and practice.

We encourage submissions that describe how research has contributed to changes in individuals, organizations, communities, and policies. The challenge is to describe what has changed as a result of the research not just the research per se. Community partners, research participants, policymakers, and other research partners are welcome as co-presenters.

We also invite critical reflections on how research can better achieve social change. How might we better define issues and engage research participants? What designs, methods, analysis, and means of dissemination maximize public impact? How can social work researchers lead the academy in engaging community and influencing social policy?

We also continue our focus at this conference on racial and social justice. Of particular interest are submissions that address implicit and explicit bias in social work research, and describe research and research findings that advance racial and social justice for all marginalized populations.

Research abstracts are encouraged in all substantive areas, using scientifically sound qualitative and/or quantitative methodology. The research may take place in any country and at the micro, macro, or policy level. This year’s conference theme is cross-cutting by population, problem and substantive areas, as well as methodological expertise. As a result, we encourage submissions across all Clusters as they pertain explicitly to the impact of social work research in the form of proposals for individual papers and poster presentations, symposia, roundtable discussions, and workshops.

Cluster areas are:

  1. Adolescent and Youth Development
  2. Aging Services and Gerontology
  3. American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Global Indigenous Populations (Indigenous Cluster)
  4. Asian and Asian-Pacific Islander Focused-Research
  5. Black and African Diaspora Focused-Research
  6. Child Welfare
  7. Communities and Neighborhoods
  8. Crime and Criminal Justice
  9. Disability
  10. Gender
  11. Health
  12. Inequality, Poverty, and Social Welfare Policy
  13. International Social Work and Global Issues
  14. Immigrants and Refugees
  15. LatinX Focused-Research
  16. Mental Health
  17. Military Service Members, Veterans and Their Families
  18. Organizations and Management
  19. Race and Ethnicity
  20. Research Design and Measurement
  21. Research on Social Work Education
  22. School Social Work
  23. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
  24. Social Work Practice
  25. Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors
  26. Sustainable Development, Urbanization, and Environmental Justice
  27. Violence against Women and Children
  28. Work and Work-Life Policies and Programs

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Abstracts must be submitted in the following formats (see Author Submission Instructions document). Abstracts should be 500 words or less. References are not required, and if included count towards the 500-word limit. Image(s) and table(s) are not permitted in any abstract.
(1) Oral paper presentation
(2) Poster presentation
(3) Symposium of three or more papers on the same topic to be presented in the same session
(4) Roundtable
(5) Workshop

Oral paper, poster, and symposium paper abstracts should be submitted in a structured format and include the following:
• Background and Purpose: description of the problem, study objectives, research question(s) and/or hypothesis (es).
• Methods: study design, including a description of participants and sampling methods, data collection procedures, measures, and appropriate analytic/ statistical approach.
• Results: specific results in summary form.
• Conclusions and Implications: description of the main outcome(s) of the study and implications for practice, policy, or further research.

When submitting a symposium, please submit an abstract (500 words or less) for each symposium paper, along with an overall abstract (500 words or less) for the symposium session that describes the symposium theme and its importance. Preference will be given to symposia that demonstrate cohesiveness across presentations. Symposia will be accepted or rejected in total, i.e., abstracts will not be accepted independently.

Roundtable and workshop session abstracts should:
• add to the current knowledge base in social work practice, policy, theory, and research methodology, and,
• offer clear meaningful implications for social work research, policy and practice.

When submitting a roundtable or a workshop session, please submit an abstract of 500 words or less that describes the content and how it will be addressed. For roundtables, describe the topics that will be addressed elaborating on viewpoints and perspectives to be discussed. The workshop session should offer training opportunities for methodology (study design, sampling, data collection, measurement, and analysis) and describe the pedagogical techniques.

Abstracts should not be based on research previously published elsewhere. Please note that only paper and poster abstracts reporting completed findings will be reviewed. We urge that studies with “findings pending” be submitted for future review after the study is complete. Peer reviews will be used to select submissions based upon technical merit and importance of findings. Please note that all abstracts are to be submitted online using the SSWR online abstract management system at

SSWR seeks to optimize as many people participating in the conference as possible. SSWR, therefore, limits the number of roles that participants can play in the 2024 conference. There is a limit of two (2) presenting-author abstract submissions per person. This limit applies to these presentation formats: oral papers, both individual papers and papers within an organized symposium, posters, and workshops. It does not apply to co-authorship. Participants may, however, perform additional roles such as chairing an organized symposium, leading a special interest group, serving as moderator for a session of grouped oral papers, and a panelist in a round table session.

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You DO NOT need to be a SSWR member to submit an abstract. However, if your abstract is accepted for presentation the presenter/speaker MUST be a current 2024 member and register for the conference. This requirement is applicable to oral paper and poster presenters, symposium organizers, symposium paper presenters and symposium discussants, and workshop and roundtable speakers. Co-authors are not expected to comply with this policy. Co-authors attending the conference, however, are required to register for the conference.

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Oral Papers (individual papers and papers within a symposium) and Posters:

Please see the following links for examples of model Workshop and Roundtable abstracts. These examples are included to provide guidance to authors; however, there may be instances in which another format is preferable.

If you have any question about the Call for Papers and/or abstract submission process, please contact A. DeeJay Hastings, CAE, program director, at or 703-352-7797, ext. 2.

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Abstracts of individual research papers may be submitted for a 20-minute oral presentation. A minimum of four (4) to a maximum of five (5) individual papers will be grouped together based on a single theme and similar content within a 90-minute concurrent session. A moderator will facilitate an extended period of open discussion following the 3-4 oral paper presentations.

When submitting an individual paper presentation, your abstract will be reviewed as an individual paper. However, authors are encouraged during the abstract submission process to indicate their willingness to present an individual poster, if your submission cannot be scheduled as an individual paper in a session with 3 other individual papers due to the limitations of meeting time and space.


  • Title
  • Research Method/Type
  • Cluster/Topical Area
  • Authors: there is no minimum/maximum of how many individuals may be listed as authors. However, only one (1) individual/author may be designated as the presenting author and all other authors are will be listed as co-authors. Please note that the role of “presenting author” may be designated to one of the authors, e.g. first author, second author, third author, etc.
  • An abstract of 500-word or less

Posters allow presenters to discuss their research with interested colleagues during a 90-minute block of time. SSWR uses ePoster technology. This technology, which is already common at health conferences, increases the possibilities for presenters to communicate research findings in exciting and dynamic forms. Electronic monitors that look like big screen televisions will enable an abbreviated slide or video presentation. Thus there is no longer a need to get a large poster printed a head of time and then lugged through airports on the way to the conference. Instead, poster presentations can now be transported on flash drives just like oral presentations. ePoster sessions are held concurrent with paper presentations.


  • Title
  • Research Method/Type
  • Cluster/Topical Area
  • Authors: there is no minimum/maximum of how many individuals may be listed as authors. However, only one (1) individual/author may be designated as the presenting author and all other authors are will be listed as co-authors. Please note that the role of “presenting author” may be designated to one of the authors, e.g. first author, second author, third author, etc.
  • An abstract of 500-word or less

A paper symposium provides for multiple oral research presentations to be made on a single theme involving a brief introduction by the organizer, a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 5 presenters, with one discussant (encouraged, though optional) and open discussion from the floor. The concurrent session is 90-minutes. Presenters have 15 minutes to present the core content and the discussant has 15 minutes to comment upon the presentations with 30 minutes reserved for interactive discussion, facilitated by the organizer, between the presenters and the session audience.


  • Title of the overall symposium
  • Research Method/Type of the overall symposium
  • Cluster/Topical Area of the overall symposium
  • Proposed 3-5 presentations within the symposium (see requirements in “Oral Paper Presentation” for each proposed presentation)
  • An abstract of 500-words or less that describes the overall symposium

We encourage that one person should submit all components of the symposium submission.

A roundtable submission does not present research findings, but rather addresses an area or issue of fundamental importance to the field, in a format that encourages a lively exchange of different points of views. Examples include training and funding opportunities in social work research, priorities in social work research, and advocacy for the use of scientific approaches to social work research.

The 90-minute roundtable should include a brief introduction clearly outlining the issues followed by each of the speakers elaborating on their different viewpoints and perspectives on the issue. Speakers facilitate extended open discussion with the session audience and the discussants.


  • Title of the roundtable
  • Research Method/Type of the roundtable
  • Cluster/Topical Area of the roundtable
  • Speakers: one organizer and a panel of minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 speakers is required. The organizer may be one of the panelists. Panel often include members/people outside the research community.
  • An abstract of 500-words or less that outlines the issue(s) and varying viewpoints that will be elaborated upon.

The workshops are primarily pedagogical, intended to offer training opportunities for methodology (study design, sampling, data collection, measurement, and analysis) with hands-on instruction and specific learning objectives. Past workshops have provided continuing education about an innovative or new area or methodology of import to social work practice, policy, theory, or research. The Program Committee encourages workshop proposals on any topic, as long as the workshop’s objective is to enable the audience to gain skills and knowledge that are important to social work research.

Workshop submissions will be evaluated using the following criteria: 1. The topic of the workshop adds to the current knowledge base by presenting information about an innovative or new area or methodology of import to social work practice, policy, theory, or research; 2. The pedagogical methods proposed in the submission are likely to ensure that this workshop will lead to significant learning by the participants; and, 3. The importance of this workshop to social work practice, policy or research is clear and meaningful.


  • Title of the workshop
  • Research Method/Type of the workshop
  • Cluster/Topical Area of the workshop
  • Speakers: one organizer and a panel of minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3 speakers is required. The organizer may be one of the panelists. Panel often include members/people outside the research community.
  • An abstract of 500-words or less

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2024 Abstract Cluster Chairs

Overview of Cluster Chair Roles and Responsibilities in the Abstract Review and Development of the Abstract-based Program Content of the SSWR Annual Conference

1. Adolescent and Youth Development (ADOL)
Valerie Shapiro, PhD, Theda Rose, PhD, Genevieve Graaf, PhD

2. Aging Services and Gerontology (A&G)
Christina Miyawaki, PhD, Holly Dabelko-Schoeny, PhD, Jooyoung Kong, PhD

3. American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Global Indigenous Populations (Indigenous Cluster)
Shanondora Billiot, PhD, Claudette Grinnell-Davis, PhD

4. Asian and Asian-Pacific Islander Focused-Research (AAPIFR)
Helen Jiang, PhD, Fuhua Zhai, PhD, Hee Yun Lee, PhD

5. Black and African Diaspora Focused-Research (BADFR)
Qiana Cryer-Coupet, PhD, Camille Quinn, PhD, McKenzie Green, PhD, James Ellis, PhD

6. Child Welfare (CW)
Ericka Lewis, PhD, Abigail Williams-Butler, PhD, Miriam Landsman, PhD

7. Communities and Neighborhoods (C&N)
Amy Krings, PhD, Samantha Teixeira, PhD, Megan Gilster, PhD

8. Crime and Criminal Justice (C&CJ)
Pajarita Charles, PhD, Bo-Kyung Elizabeth Kim, PhD, Aaron Gottlieb, PhD

9. Disability (D)
Lauren Bishop, PhD, Kristina Lopez, PhD, Stephen McGarity, PhD

10. Gender (G)
Amy Beth Castro, PhD, Ankur Srivastava, PhD, Shanna Kattari, PhD

11. Health (H)
Yeonwoo Kim, PhD, Julie Berrett-Abebe, PhD, Chiara Acquati, PhD

12. Inequality, Poverty, and Social Welfare Policy (IP&SWP)
Yunju Nam, PhD, Jin Huang, PhD, Kathryn Maguire-Jack, PhD

13. International Social Work and Global Issues (ISW&GI)
Cindy Sousa, PhD, Proscovia Nabunya, PhD, Nataliia Gusak, PhD

14. Immigrants and Refugees (I&R)
Wooksoo Kim, PhD, Mary Held, PhD, Mitra Naseh, PhD

15. LatinX Focused-Research (LFR)
Rocio Calvo, PhD, Carolina Vélez Grau, PhD, María Piñeros Leaño, PhD

16. Mental Health (MH)
Quenette Walton, PhD, Jennifer Elkins, PhD, Amy Blank Wilson, PhD

17. Military Service Members, Veterans and Their Families (MSMV&F)
Elisa Borah, PhD, Abby Blankenship, PhD, Nikki Wooten, PhD

18. Organizations and Management (O&M)
Ethan Park, PhD, Bridgette Davis, PhD, James Mendiberg, PhD

19. Race and Ethnicity (R&E)
Husain Lateef, PhD, Laila Noel, PhD, Odessa Gonzalez Benson, PhD

20. Research Design and Measurement (RD&M)
Antoinette Farmer, PhD, Michael Killian, PhD, Tanya Renn, PhD

21. Research on Social Work Education (RSWE)
Ellie Wideman, PhD, Rolanda Ward, PhD, Joan Blakey, PhD

22. School Social Work (SSW)
Kevin White, PhD, Laura Hopson, PhD, Samantha Bates, PhD

23. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SO&GI)
Maurice Gattis, PhD, Keith Watts, PhD, Daniel Jacobson Lopez, PhD

24. Social Work Practice (SWP)
Sara Beeler-Stinn, PhD, Otima Doyle, PhD, Ray Eads, PhD

25. Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviors (SM&AB)
Manuel Cano, PhD, Orion Mowbray, PhD, Jennifer Putney, PhD

26. Sustainable Development, Urbanization, and Environmental Justice (SDU&EJ)
Felicia Mitchell, PhD, Marissa Kaloga, PhD, Smitha Rao, PhD

27. Violence against Women and Children (VW&C)
Leila Wood, PhD, Candace Christensen, PhD, Abha Rai, PhD, Meredith Bagwell-Gray, PhD

28. Work and Work-Life Policies and Programs (W&WLPP)
Yoonsook Ha, PhD, Sehun Oh, PhD, Alejandra Ros Pilarz, PhD

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Abstract submission deadline: Saturday, April 15, 2023

We look forward to seeing you in Washington, DC!

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