The Society for Social Work and Research was founded in 1994 as a free-standing organization dedicated to the advancement of social work research. SSWR works collaboratively with a number of other organizations that are committed to improving support for research among social workers. Our members include faculty in schools of social work and other professional schools, research staff in public and private agencies, and masters/doctoral students.
SSWR’s more than 1800 members come from 45 states in the United States as well as from Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Trinidad, and the United Kingdom.
SSWR’s members represent more than 200 universities and institutions.
Society for Social Work and Research Strategic Plan (for PDF click here)
The Society for Social Work and Research advances, disseminates, and translates research that addresses issues of social work practice and policy and promotes a diverse, just, and equitable society.
The Society:
- encourages the design, implementation, and dissemination of rigorous research that enhances knowledge about critical social work practice and social policy problems and advances social welfare practices and programs;
- fosters a trans-disciplinary inter-professional support network of investigators conducting research on social work practice and social policy in the United States and around the world;
- provides learning opportunities to improve the conduct of social work-relevant research and its application;
- promotes practices and policies grounded in an evidence-based;
- supports increased research funding and training programs for social work researchers;
- provides formal recognition of significant contributions to social work-relevant research; and
- seeks active partnerships with other social work and research-related organizations to accomplish all of the above.
Membership Benefits
- Leadership opportunities, if elected, to serve on the Board of Directors
- Opportunities to serve on the SSWR Doctoral Student Committee (DSC) and Subcommittees
- Opportunities to nominate yourself or colleague for SSWR awards and board leadership
- Opportunities to convene a Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting at SSWR annual conference
- SSWR Fellowship program open to all members
- Free electronic subscription to the Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research (JSSWR) available on the SSWR website
- Opportunities to submit proposals for the Innovation Incubator program
- Opportunities to review abstracts submitted for the SSWR annual conference
- Free access to SSWR Research Capacity and Development Committee Webinars
- Listserv that delivers up-to-date announcements regarding social work research
- Inclusion and access to the SSWR online membership directory
- Inclusion in the Social Work Network listserv, hosted by Boston University
- Reduced registration fee at the SSWR Annual Conference
- Job Posting service to link researchers and scholars with employers with available positions
- Access to the Doctoral Student Center is available on the SSWR website
- Access to the SSWR DSC Newsletter/Monthly Monitor
- Advocacy for social work research