


JSSWR, Volume 1, Number 1 (2010) Inaugural Issue Now Available!
SSWR President Announces JSSWR Inaugural Issue (PDF)
Dr. Mark Fraser Appointed JSSWR Editor-in-Chief

The Journal for the Society for Social Work and Research (JSSWR) is open and prepared to receive manuscripts for publication. See:

JSSWR is an official publication of the Society for Social Work and Research. Its purpose is to provide a venue for the timely publication of research that advances knowledge of social  problems, programs, and policies. Special emphasis is placed on publishing findings from  studies assessing the effectiveness of social and health interventions, be they targeted at individuals, organizations, communities, or public policies. JSSWR publishes rigorous empirical research that advances knowledge useful for designing social programs, developing innovative social policies, and improving social work practice.

An open-access journal, JSSWR is produced in electronic format only. It is organized to provide rapid, high-quality reviews of manuscripts. It uses an Internet-based editorial process for making publication decisions and for reducing the time between the submission and, when reviews are positive, the publication of manuscripts. The intended audience of JSSWR includes the membership of SSWR and the broader population of practitioners, administrators, and policy makers who deal with social and health problems.

The journal considers all forms of research, including qualitative, quantitative, comparative, and mixed methods. JSSWR welcomes both full-length and brief reports, and focuses on research relevant to a wide array of substantive fields and disciplines. Original, research-based work that addresses important social or health problems is expected.

Replication studies and studies with null findings are welcome. On the other hand, submission of manuscripts based on weak designs is discouraged. Meta-analytic reviews of literature derived from the application of an articulated methodology will be reviewed. Otherwise, manuscripts that are not based on research will be returned to authors without review. Prior to submission, manuscripts should be thoroughly edited. The grammatical style and format of the American Psychological Association is required. For information on the submission of manuscripts, see:



2013 Call for Board Nominations (PDF) – Nomination Deadline: 5:00 pm Eastern, Monday, September 23, 2013
Social Work and Implementation of the Affordable Care Act (PDF)
SSWR Announces National Research Capacity Building Initiative (NRCBI) Website
JSSWR Announcement and Call for Papers
Dr. Mark Fraser Appointed JSSWR Editor-in-Chief
Presidential Task Force on Publications Report, March 2008
2008 Conference Photos
Social Work Research Network (SWRNet)
Publication Processes in Social Work: The Miami Statement

SSWR Newsletters

Social Work Research Network (SWRNet)
Formerly IASWR Listserv Announcements

Click here to access SWRNet Website

After 15 Years of Accomplishments – IASWR’s Work Moves to Other Entities

Created in 1993 as a non-profit organization, based in Washington, DC, the Institute for the Advancement of Social Work Research (IASWR) worked within the social work community to enhance the profession’s research infrastructure. It also worked to strengthen the connections between social work research and practice, education and policy, including representing the interests of social work with the national scientific community. Creating IASWR was a collaborative endeavor of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), the Association for Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors (BPD), the National Association of Deans and Directors of Schools of Social Work (NADD), and the Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education (GADE) and these organizations have provided core funding to IASWR. In 2000, the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), launched in 1994, also became a supporting organization.

The social work research enterprise has expanded significantly over the past 15 years. The number of social work researchers receiving federal research grants, especially from NIH, has grown considerably; social work resources and supports within social work education programs have expanded; and SSWR, a membership organization of social work researchers, has matured. IASWR functions of facilitator, connector, conduit, trainer, consultant and technical advisor have been critical to these research accomplishments.

As other organizations have expanded their roles in promoting research, and social work researchers have achieved greater visibility and influence nationally, it seemed timely to streamline the number of social work organizations and to have IASWR’s activities and functions continue in a different form. With due recognition to IASWR’s many accomplishments, a decision was made unanimously by the IASWR Board of Directors at its September 2009 meeting to close IASWR as of September 30, 2009. This change is resulting in important planning efforts within and among the social work organizations that have partnered to support IASWR, as well as the St. Louis Group of Deans in research extensive universities, to plan for expanded roles.


  • Boston University School of Social Work will be carrying on the weekly e-alert service IASWR Listserv Announcements and will be renamed the Social Work Research Network (SWRnet). Current subscribers to the listserv should experience a seamless transition. For more information email
  • SSWR ( is considering strategies to expand its national presence in Washington, DC and is planning the preconference sessions with federal funders at the 2010 SSWR conference that have previously been done collaboratively with IASWR.
  • The Leadership Forum (CSWE, NADD, BPD, GADE and the St. Louis Group) are expanding strategic communications regarding further research infrastructure development activities.
  • The Leadership Roundtable (CSWE, NADD, BPD, GADE, the St. Louis Group, NASW, SSWR, ANSWR and ASWB) will strategically plan to enhance the position of research with the profession and will consider new roles for the profession in this area.
  • The NASW website Social Work Research Page ( will be a repository for IASWR publications and reports and the Evidence-Based Practice page.
  • The NASW Foundation has launched a think tank, the Social Work Policy Institute ( to strengthen bridges between social work research and national policy.
  • The Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education ( will continue to update the directory of Doctoral, Dissertation and Post Doctoral funding opportunities in social work.
  • Boston College Graduate School of Social Work will continue to update the directory of Federally Funded Researchers.
  • The National Association of Social Workers and the Council on Social Work Education continue as members of the Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA); other social work organizations may join in the near future.

IASWR would like to express appreciation to all of those who have contributed so generously over the years to make IASWR’s valuable work possible, especially to those who served on the IASWR Board of Directors and to the universities, individuals and organizations that provided financial support.

The social work research community appreciates your patience and support during this time of transition.


§ To post an item on the listserv, please e-mail or contact Renee Spencer at 617-353-4611.

§ For information on the annual social work research conference and the work of the SSWR visit or contact Sarah Gehlert ( or Jennifer Lewis (

§ If you have other specific questions, please contact Bill Meezan ( or Joan Levy Zlotnik (


For more information on the history and work of IASWR and its many accomplishments, the following articles may be of interest:

Zlotnik, J.L. & Solt, B.E. (2008). Developing research infrastructure: The Institute for the Advancement of Social Work Research. Social Work Research. 32(4), 201-207.

Corvo, K, Zlotnik, J. & Chen, W. (2008). Organizational and institutional factors associated with National Institutes of Health research grant awards to social work programs. Research on Social Work Practice. 18(5). 514-521.

Zlotnik, J., Vourlekis, B. & Galambos, C. (2006). Improving psychosocial care in nursing home settings: The next challenge. Health and Social Work. 31(2), 83-86.

Zlotnik, J.L. & Solt, B.E. (Sept. 2006). The Institute for the Advancement of Social Work Research working to increase our practice and policy evidence base. Research on Social Work Practice. 16, (5), 534-539

Zlotnik, J.L., Biegel, D. & Solt, B.E. (2002). The Institute for the Advancement of Social Work Research: Strengthening social work research in practice and policy. Research on Social Work Practice. 12 (2), 318-337.


Publication Processes in Social Work: The Miami Statement

We are pleased to post the Miami Statement (click here). This statement was created by a publication interest group at the 2005 SSWR Conference in Miami (hence its name). The Miami Statement is intended to describe some of the problems that plague the publication of social work research and to offer some ameliorative strategies. The Miami Statement was recently published in Social Work Research accompanied by and editorial by Jeffrey Jenson. We commend this interest group for stimulating this discussion of publication processes.

Although the development of the Miami Statement was independent of the SSWR Board, the Board also recognizes the critical need for improvement in publication processes. We seek to contribute to those improvements by convening a meeting of journal editors, publishers, SSWR Board members, and Interest Group leadership at the 2006 SSWR Conference. This event will be part of an ongoing SSWR initiative to improve the quality and timeliness of the publication of social work research.

The SSWR Board invites suggestions of specific ways that SSWR can act to improve social work publication processes. Email can be sent to

SSWR Newsletters
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