Special Interest Groups


Submission Deadline: September 22, 2017

In order to facilitate the meetings of special interest groups (SIGs), it is necessary that all pre-existing and new SIGs notify us in advance so that we can collect the convener contact information and schedule the groups and meeting space for you. Please see the lists below for SIGs held in 2017. If you would like to convene one of these groups or convene a new group, please complete the online survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SIGS2018 by September 22, 2017. If we do not hear from you by this date, we will assume that the SIG with which you are associated does not plan to convene during the 2018 annual conference.

The SIGs will be scheduled for either Friday (January 12) or Saturday (January 13), 7:00 am – 8:00 am or 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm. Due to the complexity of the schedule we cannot consider scheduling requests. Meeting space is limited. We will confirm your request via e-mail by mid-October 2017. Confirmed SIGs will be listed in the conference program and will indicate the meeting room assignment.

If you have any questions about SIG meetings, please contact DeeJay Garringo, program director, at dj@sswr.org or 703- 352-7797, ext. 218.


How to Request a SIG Meeting

Please complete the request form online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SIGS2018 by September 22, 2017.

SIGs held at the SSWR 2017 Annual Conference

Addictive Behaviors and Substance Misuse
Aging Research, Policy, and Advocacy Network
Anthropology and Social Work
Associate Deans and Directors for Research
Caucus of LGBT Faculty and Students in Social Work
Changing Urban and Global Environments: Research and Intervention
Child Welfare Research Interest Group
Civic engagement across the life span
Coalition for the Promotion of Behavioral Health: Unleashing the Power of Prevention
Community Based Practice and Research
Community Level Intervention Research
Criminal and Juvenile Justice
Disaster Research
Doctoral Education
editorial board Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare
Family Structures, Relationships, and Transitions
Father Related Research
Financial Capability and Asset Building SIG
Forensic Research, Practice, Education, and Advocacy
Foster Care Youth and Higher Education
GIS (Geographic Information Systems)
Global Social Work
Human Rights & Social Work
Human-Animal Interaction and Social Work
Immigration and refugees studies
Implementation Research Special Interest Group
Integrated Health Research Group
Integrating R into Your Classroom and Research
Lifecourse Trauma, Oppression, Well-Being: Assessment and Intervention
Maternal and Infant Mental Health
Mental Health Consumer/Mad Identified Social Workers
Mental Illness Stigma
Mindfulness-based intervention research
Organizations & Management
Physical Health and Wellness
Policy and Services for Transition-Age Youth
Psychiatric Medications
Qualitative Methods
Race, Racialization, and Child Development
Research with Service Members, Veterans, and Military Families
School Social Work and Research
Social Innovation, Investment, and Entrepreneurship
Social Justice in Social Work Education, Practice, and Research
Social Media for Social Work Research
Social Work and Epidemiology
Social Work Research in China
Social Work with Men
Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention
Systematic Review Methods / Campbell Collaboration
Tenure-Track Professors of Social Work and Social Welfare
The Collaborative on Healthy Parenting in Primary Care
Violence Against Women SIG

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