Research Methods
Research Methods and Statistics presents a list and brief summaries on topics such as survey design, conducting meta-analyses, and much more. Site contains a lot of information and well worth spending a few minutes reviewing. By The Athabasca University Center for Psychology Resources.
- Pocket Guides to Social Work Research Methods
Program Development and Implementation presents an overview on evaluation. By The University of Wisconsin.
- Poverty Action Lab
Qualitative Analysis
- Learning Qualitative Analysis on the web
Quantitative Analysis
Statistical computing provides step-by-step instructions for SPSS, SAS, STATA, and many more. The most useful directions for carrying out analyses are in the “Statistical Computing Packages.” To find examples using different statistical packages visit the “Data Analysis Examples” section. By UCLA Statistical Computing.
Basic Statistics Defined provides a list of terms common in introduction courses, including descriptive statistics, correlations, t-tests, frequency tables, and cross-tabulations. By StatSoft, Inc.