Search Engines
- SSWR Jobs
- Nonprofit Jobs
- Evaluation Jobs
- Higher Education Jobs
- Careers in Prevention Research provides a list of post-doctoral fellowship and job opportunities, as well as connects with you all the resources from the Society for Prevention Research.
- Boston University School of Social Work will be carried on the weekly e-alert service IASWR Listserv Announcements and will be renamed the Social Work Research Network (SWRnet). Current subscribers to the listserv should experience a seamless transition. For more information email
Cover Letter
- Academic Cover Letter presents content to include in an employment package in a PDF file. By The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue.
- Cover Letter provides topics to consider when writing a letter for an academic position. By The Berkley University of California Career Center.
- Nonacademic Cover Letters recommend topics and the level of detail to include in a cover letter. By North Carolina State College of Management MBA.
- Academic CV recommends topics and format for academic CVs in an 18-page PDF – by UNC Student Affairs, University Career Services at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.